Wednesday, January 20, 2016


THE PERSON OF INTEREST seen in the Birdland Free Press photo likely harmed Missy Cat; therefore if you see this person I'm pretty sure it's okay to tackle him and/or place him under citizens' arrest up until February 7th, 2016 -- the day of the Super Bowl. After that we enter a gray area of legality until the start of next football season. Oh and don't worry about this person being a "badass" or anything because he was wearing a fanny pack (only wimps wear fanny packs). Seriously though; if you see this person or know where he lives please contact Eric Fuji of Sunnyvale DPS @ and/or call 1.408.730.7142 and/or Brian Gantt of Sunnyvale DPS @ and/or 1.408.730.7145 .

I strongly suspect this could have been a premeditated attack on Missy; possibly some kind of pay back for some unknown perceived wrong. The way it happened on Christmas Day seems like it could have been done purposefully for maximum emotional effect; kind of like how the U.S. Military drops bombs on Ramadan to create more terrorists other than themselves for more future work and/or job security.

I suppose the most egregious part of this is that I went out of my way to keep Missy together with her son Boo since I lost my mother at age 10. Keeping Boo with Missy was not only for Boos' benefit; but it was also cathartic for me to see Boo with his Mother 24/7. So losing Missy was in a very large sense like losing my Mother all over again -- and having it occur on Christmas day; exactly 16 years to the day from when my Brother died in a head on collision -- when our family had just 'sort of' gotten over the loss of my Brother Carl; makes this brazen Christmas day attack especially egregious. > go to: REST IN PEACE BROTHER CARL @

Also; regarding the Full Circle Farm; it would be great if some interested neighbors got out and helped at the farm. Remember; working with dirt actually makes you happy >

So if you like being happy; get out and volunteer for the farm; you may really enjoy it and meet some new friends along the way...

Please don't take any poison BIG PHARMA drugs for depression like the federal government wants you to do (to increase corporate profits); as natural methods are always the best methods. Depression can be stopped by simply doing things that you love to do. Medical marijuana; for instance.

And regarding the Full Circle farm; an old friend who works in construction once told me the Full Circle Farm parcel is essentially all ready for development now. In other words; after the initial land grab by the City of Sunnyvale; the land was dug up and a fence was placed around it -- making it ready for development if the farm fails. Let us not allow this to happen. Please get out and volunteer to ensure this farm remains in this neighborhood to disallow any unwanted future development on this parcel.

The Patrick Henry field is yet another parcel or interest for the Birdland community. For over 40 years the Patrick Henry field has been available for use by people in the Birdland neighborhood until the City of Sunnyvale did a questionable land grab and leased it out exclusively for soccer usage during the unfettered spending of the Bush presidential war administration. 

When I was young I actually practiced Little League Baseball on that very same field without a fence surrounding it; so why does it need to be fenced off now? Why do we need a fence inside of another fence? Why can't neighbors access the Patrick Henry field as well? What ha$ changed $ince my Little League Baseball day$?

*NOTE: The Superfund cleanup links were created a few years ago; but the information is still valid. This goes to show you that tainted water is not just a problem in low income communities like Flint, Michigan; as it also happens in relatively upscale communities like Sunnyvale Birdland and elsewhere.  

In fact; my Mother died from cancer around the time the toxic plume was found at Homestead Road and Tantau Avenue back in 1972 -- and there have been at very least 10 or so people who I know of in the Birdland Neighborhood area who have had cancer. And while it is often difficult to prove the cause of these various cancers; it is better to listen to the science and be safe. You can purchase filtered water at Pure Water Health in Sunnyvale (see below). *Reverse osmosis or distilled water.

PURE WATER HEALTH / 1603 Hollenbeck Ave, Sunnyvale, CA 94087
Phone (408) 245-7873 > Located in: Loehmann's Plaza


And remember; Roundup 'probably' causes cancer so I would suggest that you use natural instead of nasty chemical-based solutions for weed and/or insect control > go to: HOMEMADE WEED KILLERS + > Boiling water for instance? Or Search Google "natural pest and/or weed control solutions" for other websites listing natural solutions.

Monday January 25, 2016 / Environmental Impact Report, Use Permit

The former Raynor Elementary School site was deemed as surplus by the Santa Clara Unified School District in 1979 and was subsequently purchased by the City of Sunnyvale. The project site, formerly known as Raynor Activity Center, is approximately 3.5 acres and is located in the northwest corner of the parcel adjacent to Raynor Park. The project site is currently occupied by eight former school buildings, two parking lots, and two play areas. The existing buildings have been used over the years as an activity center for art studios, gymnastics clubs, private preschool operations, philatelic library, and City storage facility. The buildings are not currently in use. Upcoming Public Hearings to consider Certification of the Final EIR and the Use Permit for the project 1500 Partridge Avenue: January 25, 2016 - Planning Commission Public Hearing > Go To:

NOTE: This is a concern for all residents because not only will it cause the loss of part of the Raynor field; but it will also cause lots of unwanted excess traffic. The new Apple development will do the same; so please sign the petition and get your thoughts in there to add to the conversation so we can get some permanent traffic calming solutions in place; as there are countless options available. I will make another petition if this petition is filled up; as its' maximum is 100 signatures.


The project site, referred to as Butcher’s Corner, is located on the southwest corner of E. El Camino Real and S. Wolfe Road and extends along E. Fremont Avenue. The site is approximately 5 acres in size and has historically been used for agricultural and residential uses. The site has been pre-zoned R-3/ECR (Medium Density/Precise Plan for El Camino Real) and designated Residential High Density (RHI) in the General Plan. The site is currently developed with two homes and is located in an unincorporated “island” of Santa Clara County, surrounded by properties within the City of Sunnyvale jurisdiction.

In 2011, the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) of Santa Clara County sent a letter to the City of Sunnyvale encouraging the City to annex three unincorporated islands, including the Butcher’s Corner property. In 2013, the City Council initiated the annexation process. 

Due to a change in ownership of the property and community concerns regarding the future redevelopment of the site, the City Council deferred completion of the annexation process of the Butcher’s Corner property.

NOTE: The Butcher family owned this land for over 100 years making it just as important as the Olson family acreage -- who had an orchard seized by the City of Sunnyvale; then later given back by the city for permanent agricultural purposes. (go to: 

The Sunnyvale Heritage Orchard is that returned orchard. (go to: 

In light of this; I believe the Butcher family acreage at El Camino Real and Wolfe Road should be permanently protected as well. It is a last bit of orchard land left over from the Valley of Hearts' Delights' proud agricultural history. > Go To:

*MISSION STATEMENT: I am the official self-appointed Mayor of southeast Sunnyvale who usurped power to give it back to THE PEOPLE. I distributed roughly 10,000 flyers all over this fine neighborhood to bring about the Full Circle Farm and paid a great price for these valiant actions; receiving little or no police protection etc for the last decade since getting involved with the creation of the farm. But I would do it all over again in a hot second for you; my good people -- because the inevitability of deepened democracy is at hand for future generations to embrace...

PETERSON PRESS! YOU'RE BUSTED! One day back when I sort of attended Peterson High School back in the late 1970s and early 1980s; let's just say I was caught red-handed doing something I should not have done by a member of the Peterson High School Press. He said; "Peterson Press! You're busted!" This was the moment that I learned the power of the press and the written word.

"The computer keyboard is mightier than the sword..."



updated: 5 mar 2016

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